Kratom Crushed Leaf

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Crushed Leaf

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Crushed leaf has its advantages, and not only do we offer the highest quality, but we also have a variety of strains to choose from. Whether you are making extracts or infusions where leaf powder residue is not wanted, the crushed leaf is ideal and convenient.


You can mix and match kratom crushed leaf as you wish. The minimum quantity is 500g for any strain. Choose your quantity, and then choose your strain. If you have special requests for splitting your order, please go ahead and describe them in the section below.


Green Vein Kratom | Balanced Samurai

Green Maeng Da, Green Borneo, Green Bali

Red Vein Kratom | Relaxed Samurai

Red Maeng Da, Red Borneo, Red Bali

White Vein Kratom | Swift Samurai

White Maeng Da, White Borneo, White Bali

If nine strains aren't enough, and you are looking for more than 65 strains, check out our powdered kratom section, where you can easily find and buy what you need. 

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